
The Church of Our Redeemer currently meets for Holy Eucharist
on Sunday mornings at 10 am!

We hope you will join us!

Worship Lay Ministries

Altar Guild

Church of Our Redeemer Altar Guild invites you to join them. Responsibilities include preparing the vessels for Communion and Baptisms, changing the altar, pulpit, and lectern hangings in accordance with the church year colors, caring for the altar/communion linens and arranging flowers for the altar. Training is provided.

If you would like to donate altar flowers for the celebration or memory of a loved one or event, please sign-up on the flower schedule in the Parish Hall AND fill out the Altar Flower Dedication Form with your preferences to submit with payment to the office.

If you have an interest in joining the altar guild, please reach out via email.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM’s) assist the clergy during services. They also read the prayers of the people and administer the Chalice during Communion.


Acolytes carry the cross during processions and assist with Communion. Church of Our Redeemer encourages any child in the 4th grade or older to participate.


Lectors read the lessons for the week.


Ushers greet the congregation as they arrive, help those that need assistance to the pews, distribute bulletins, take up the collection, and straighten up after Sunday services.